Biogen Organics

Organic Fertilizers


Enriched with Oilcakes, Biofertilizers (NPK), Bio-pesticides, Bio Fungicides, Bio Nematicide

  • Organic Manure is formed through aerobic composting which is superior in quality and is different from conventional manures that are produced.
  • High Organic Carbon content ranging from 17% to 35%
  • Total NPK content of more than 6%.
  • All volatile gases are removed during aerobic digestion process gives Odourless product
  • Pathogen free
  • Wellness of Multi feed stock and consistency in quality
  • Improves both the structure and texture of the soils
  • Increases the water holding capacity of the soil

Nutrich is 100% Organic Manure enriched with De-oiled Cakes, Protein Powder, Bio fertilizers and EM (effective microorganisms). Raw manure is processed with periodic addition of EM – a unique combination of bacteria, yeasts and fungi and is used to activate and balance the naturally diverse microbiology of nature – to manufacture 100% Organic Manure.

Cow Dung 40%
Goat Dung 25%
De-oiled cakes 10%
Calotropis Plant 10%
Nochi Plant 10%
Egg Shell 05%
With Biofertilizers, Bio-pesticides, Bio-Fungicides, Bio-Nematicide

  • Soil Structure is improved and as a result the soil’s ability to hold onto water and nutrients increases.
  • Unlike synthetic fertilizer, which can sometimes be disruptive and kill microbes, organic manure helps microbes thrive.
  • Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly as they do not create polluting run-offs.
  • Plant damage threat avoided as some synthetic fertilizers can cause plant damage to leaves and roots. This is less likely with organic fertilizers

Recommended Dosage

Cereals & Pulses Black, Green & Red Gram / Cowpea/ Millets / Paddy / Maize / Wheat 150-300 kg/acre
Oil Seeds Sunflower / Ground nut (Irrigated / Un-irrigated), Cotton (irrigated / Un-irrigated) 250-350 kg/acre
Fruits Mango / Grapes / Banana/ Pomegranate / Guava / Papaya/ Coconut /Orange / Sapota / Jack Fruit / Grape / Naval / Pear/ Mangoosthan / Lychee 5-10 kg/tree
Cash Crops Sugar Cane/ Areca Nut / Betel Leaf 300-500 kg/acre

1-1.5kg / tree

Tubers Tapioca / Corm / Potato / Sago and other Tubers 400-500 kg/acre
Vegetables Tomato / Brinjal / Capsicum / Chilly, Cabbage / Cauliflower / Carrot/ Beetroot, Potato / Radish /Onion / Bellary Onion / Coleus / Spinach / Palak 300-500 kg/acre
Aromatic Spices Pepper (Black / White) / Nutmeg / Turmeric/ Mace / Cloves / Green Cardamom / Coriander / Ginger 1-2 kg/plant

250-300 kg/acre

Commercial Crops Tea / Coffee / Tobacco / Rubber 2 kg/Plant
Flower Plants Rose / Jasmine / Mullai / Kanagambaram / Nerium / Geranium / Jungle Geranium 150-300 kg/acre

2 Kg/plant

Greenhouse (Flowers/Vegetables/
Rose / Carnation / Gerbera / Lilium / Capsicum / Tomato / Strawberry / Grass Field / Nursery Plants 3 kg/ plant
Timber Trees Teak & other Timber yielding Trees 1-3 kg/tree