Bio-Potash is an effective alternative to other potassium-based fertilizers. It is one of the three primary plant macronutrients along with nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium encourages plants to resist diseases, insect attacks, adjust to dynamic weather conditions, strengthen stalks and absorb more nutrients. It is a specially designed with organic materials which is rich in organic potash content, which enhances the organic farming.
Ingredients | Quantity |
Red Algal Fine Powder / Dried Molasses Powder | 45% |
Wood Ash | 35% |
Dolomite | 10% |
Biofertilizer (Potash Mobilizers) | 10% |
Total | 100 |
- It increases the fertility of the soil
- It helps in the development of a strong and healthy root system and increases the efficiency of the uptake and use of nitrogen and other nutrients
- It keeps moisture in the soil for a long time
- It improves soil aeration and prevents leaching losses
- Helps to increase plant growth and immunity
- It’s use stops the fall of fruits and flowers
- Increases crop maturity, grain size and lustre
- It’s use to produce proteins, enzymes, hormones and carbohydrates required for the plant
Recommended Dosage
Cereals & Pulses | Black, Green & Red Gram / Cowpea/ Millets / Paddy / Maize / Wheat | 15-30 kg/acre |
Oil Seeds | Sunflower / Ground nut (Irrigated / Un-irrigated), Cotton (irrigated / Un-irrigated) | 25-35 kg/acre |
Fruits | Mango / Grapes / Banana/ Pomegranate / Guava / Papaya/ Coconut /Orange / Sapota / Jack Fruit / Grape / Naval / Pear/ Mangoosthan / Lychee | 500 g-1 kg/tree |
Cash Crops | Sugar Cane/ Areca Nut / Betel Leaf | 30-50 kg/acre |
Tubers | Tapioca / Corm / Potato / Sago and other Tubers | 40-50 kg/acre |
Vegetables | Tomato / Brinjal / Capsicum / Chilly, Cabbage / Cauliflower / Carrot/ Beetroot, Potato / Radish /Onion / Bellary Onion / Coleus / Spinach / Palak | 30-50 kg/acre |
Aromatic Spices | Pepper (Black / White) / Nutmeg / Turmeric/ Mace / Cloves / Green Cardamom / Coriander / Ginger | 100 g/plant 25-30 kg/acre |
Commercial Crops | Tea / Coffee / Tobacco / Rubber | 200 g/Plant |
Flower Plants | Rose / Jasmine / Mullai / Kanagambaram / Nerium / Geranium / Jungle Geranium | 15-30 kg/acre 200 g/plant |
Greenhouse (Flowers/Vegetables/ Fruits) |
Rose / Carnation / Gerbera / Lilium / Capsicum / Tomato / Strawberry / Grass Field / Nursery Plants | 300 g/ plant |
Timber Trees | Teak & other Timber yielding Trees | 100-300 g/tree |